Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What I've learned...

2). What have you learned throughout this class?  What was your favorite thing about this class?  What was your least favorite thing about the class?  How can this class be improved?
This has definitely been one of those classes where I've come away with quite a bit of information. I mean, some classes you go to, pay attention, memorize information and usually forget it within minutes of finishing the final. This class however, was formated in a way that the information we learned was interesting and useful. My favorite thing about the class was how organized it was and how if there were ever any thing that needed to be clarified it was posted quickly and clearly. I never had any questions because of this format. I also liked how the weekly assignments were generally the same, 2 readings/responses from the text (or D2L) and 1 reading/response about basically anything we wanted (so long as it was new media related).

I think my least favorite thing about the class was how we needed to post 12 hours apart....but that's just because I procrastinate way too much. :) Other than that though, there wasn't really anything I disliked about this class.

Thanks for a great semester!!


  1. I agree that the organization and response time from Professor P. was a rare find, and a pleasant one at that. I have taken online classes before and it sucks when the teacher posts an assignment with some confusing instructions, and then it takes them 2 days until the due date to get back to you. Luckily we did not face any of that here.

    Similarly, I also enjoyed the structure of the course layout with (mostly) the same assignments each week. I have another teacher who is very stripped down in his assignments, and they are always the same. For me it means I know what to expect without any curve balls, so I know how to prepare the best I can. Because really, it's about learning the subject of this class, not how to juggle a bunch of weird random assignments.

    All that being said there were a few times I did not know we needed to do a video blog until the last second and found myself rushed to do them, and then I ran into technical problems.

  2. Hi Veggie,

    The organization of the class was definitely a plus for me too. I am taking another course where the due date of the assignments constantly change and it has been quite frustrating. I even missed an assignment because of this. Usually our assignments were due by Friday, but on one week it was Tuesday. Having the same due dates/time frames was a definitely plus for me in this class. While I quickly got used to the 12 hours apart posting rule, it was hard for me as well. I can be a procrastinator as well. However, it did force me not to be one for a change!

  3. Veggie,

    I agree with you that the organization of this class is one of the contributing factors to its success. I am a freakishly organized person, so this class is perfect for me in that aspect. Professor Perez was also always very clear in her weekly posts and instructions and the deadlines for each project were clear as well. Having the weekly schedule to refer to was really nice because it helped me visualize the time frame I had for certain projects and see what was ahead in the coming weeks. I have felt frustrated in other, less organized classes, but Comm. 131P made me feel confident and relaxed!

    -gummy frog

  4. I agreed with what you wrote about this class being different from other classes. I think because the work we did was so hands on it will not be like other classes that you forget what you learned a month later. I also agree with what you posted about the organization of the class being extremely helpful. However, I did have one get points off on one assignment because I did not realize it needed to be a video blog. I think when you go into an online class you never know what to except because every teacher runs it differently. Just like you I also really enjoyed this class because of the way it was ran.
