Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Interesting Concepts.

1). What concept/s in this class have you found most interesting?  What was it about that concept/s that you found fascinating or interesting?
I definitely think that the most interesting concepts I've pulled from this class have had to do with the development and beginings of new media. I loved to read about things like the Dynabook because back then it was such an innovative new idea and now similar concepts are just part of every day life. I think I find these kinds of concepts most interesting because I grew up in that kind of inbetween generation. We had most of the new technology growing up but we're still seeing even newer technology and advances everyday. The kids of today have no idea what its like to not have a cell phone while I think most of us didn't get cell phones until middle or high school.

I also found the growth of social networks really interesting. I didn't get a MySpace until late middle/early high school and a Facebook during the middle of high school. Now I see a huge under 13 crowd on Facebook and (pressumably) MySpace. I know people make profiles for their new babies and you can't get much younger than that!


  1. I definitely agree with you. I liked how we could read about what people back then thought about new developments at that time, and some predicted how the future would be. Dynabook was a good view into the future. I liked reading about what people thought where books would go, and how people view their impact now.
    After taking this class, I realized how big social networking sites are. Especially when I started writing my paper and chose to focus on the Middle East and the impact of Facebook. I did not think people actually made a Facebook profile for their babies, but I guess they need to show updates on pictures too!

  2. Just like you I was most engaged in the class when the readings/concepts were focused on the beginnings of social media. The Dynabook really got my attention because it just seemed like it was useful tool that really should have taken off it was marketed correctly. The Dynabook could have been really useful to have in the classroom as it dealt with so many different programs that could have been beneficial in the learning process.

    In terms of signing up social networking sites, I was a late starter just like you. I did not sign up for any of these sites until I was in college. I had to be convinced to by friends as I thought it was just a complete waste of time. However, I have come to realize that it’s good way to catch up with long lost friends and to network.

  3. Hey Veggie Delite! I agree with you that learning about the developments and how new media began. Reading about the Dynabook was definitely interesting to see how people thought up these ideas and then we were using them when we were younger. Now, we use all kinds of new technology, from our desktop computers, to laptops, to our phones that have the ability to act like a small computer. I thought it was funny you mentioned how many of the kids today do not know what it is like to grow up without things like a cell phone when most of us remember getting ours in middle school. The kids I used to nanny for were given cell phones in second or third grade and I thought that was nuts, but part of how people have adapted to technology now. I also agree with you that learning about the growth of the social networking sites was interesting and I like how we were able to discuss all the reasons why people use these social networking sites. I enjoyed reading your post and good luck with all your finals! :)
