Saturday, September 18, 2010

Facebook To Change How You Process Friend Requests

I thought this was such a fun article! This totally relates to my life right now, at this very moment, this second! The article talks about how Facebook is planning to change the way you handle friend requests. As you know when we recieve a friend request we have two options: confirm or ignore. I always struggled when I didn't want to do either. For example, the other day SharkByte sent me a friend request for a facebook profile she made. Without question I would of confirmed it....but it was a profile for her dog. Hahaha. To me pets with more technology in their lives than a large majority of people kind of make me cringe. Haha. Because I've known her for 90% of my life and she's my older sister's best friend I don't have the heart to deny her puppy's request...but because I'm so against the idea of it I don't want to accept! So what do I do in this conundrum? I guess use the new option. The new option is "Not Now" and sends the request to a hidden requests file for later. From there you can either confirm or deny but in the meanwhile it stays hidden. Sounds like my kind of change!


  1. Veggie Delight,

    The question is, has our society gone crazy? A dog having a facebook is like an ant wearing shoes. People and there lives on facebook can be really change, but to each is own, as the saying goes. I would click the "not now" option because I accept everyone.

  2. What a GREAT idea. I like it because sometimes I get requests from people I don't know. What happens is I just let them sit while I do some footwork and try to figure out where in the heck this person came from (I'm one of those weirdos who only accepts requests from people she ACTUALLY knows!). This sometimes causes a little traffic jam in my inbox. It has also caused a few hurt feelings in the past because I didn't instantly remember Mary from high school who is now using her married name and looks nothing like she did in the 80s (yeah, I''m that old). I like the idea of being able to save these little gems for later while I do my sleuth work and make an informed decision. Thanks for cluing me in on the update =).
