Saturday, September 11, 2010

Young Cyclists Use Mobile Tech to Break Away

This article caught my eye immediately. The article is about the Verizon cycling team and the 'gaggle' of tech and social media that they will be using this season to train; among the tech media there's
"Motorola Droids, portable MiFi hot spots, netbooks and Twitter handles". They'll be using these devices to follow GPS routes, track heart rates, speed, distance, etc so that they can improve their ways.  I think it's interesting when something simple is turned into something very complex. For example, cycling is turned from a very simple sport where basically no form of technology is needed into something that depends on it. I'm definitely not saying that cycling is simple in that it is easy. My boyfriend (a very avid road cyclist) rides easily over 100 miles a week between training on his road bike and doing errands on his commuter. I understand the degree of difficulty that goes into it. What I'm commenting on is the idea of cycling. It's simple and efficient, there's no need to bring technology (at the level the article talks about) into it. My boyfriend has two palm sized computers that he attaches to his handle bars to track distance and time. I have to roll my eyes at the juxtaposition of the whole thing...he rides his bike for a long time, comes into the house, plugs the devices in and sits at the computer for an even longer time digesting and pouring over the information his little tracker things collected.

Annnnd, speaking of boyfriend is currently practicing for this 100 mile ride:

Do it also! It's fun and for a good cause...I won't be doing it but I'll be cheering everyone on! Haha. So do it, donate, support, go, do something! I think there's also an easy 12 mile 'fun ride' that goes from the Santa Cruz Boardwalk to the Capitola Village (mine and Shark Byte's stomping grounds!). Ummm...okay...great! Hahaha. Thanks guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Veggiedelight,

    Technology seems to be improving everyday. Even though I do not cycle, I thought the new device was really cool. A lot of hassle free and dual-purpose electronics are forming. For example, apps for your phone. I use one called runkeeper. It is similar to the cycle one you mentioned in your post. It keeps track of how many miles I run, my time overall and per mile, speed and terrain levels. While is use it just to keep track of my distance, it has been helpful for my husband who has been trying to improve his mile time.
