Saturday, September 4, 2010

HUGE: Facebook Testing New “Subscribe To” User Feature

Ok, I'm not going to lie...sure I'm one of the thousands of people who absentmindedly scrolls through my Facebook newsfeed clicking profiles of people I haven't spoken to in years and snooping their lives but this new feature is creeperrrr if you ask me. Apparently Facebook's currently testing out a new feature where you can subscribe to individuals and I guess receive notifications the second they post or update their profile. Um, hi...welcome, stalkers! I mean, are some people that interested in someone else's life that they have to have notifications alerting them!? CREEPER! Someone in the comments of the article wrote that they don't miss anything if they just scroll down through the "live feed", so what's the point of getting a notification every time they update? 

I get it. Sometimes we get the urge to snoop on an ex (haha) or check an old friend's profile but peoples lives CANNOT be that uninteresting that they have to 'subscribe' to friends to get mobile notifications giving updates!! My question now is, do we get a notification that we're being stalked subscribed to?


  1. I read a similar article this week Veggie, and I share your concern. I think as a feature it makes sense if you were using it to track the page of an organization or music artist or something, but being able to “subscribe” to anyone does seem like Facebook assisted stalking. And I too am guilty of occasionally checking out what an ex is up to, but I certainly don’t need up to the minute updates about any changes made to their profile. I think if people want to subscribe to Lady Gaga’s page or get updates on Justin Bieber’s page the second they happen, that’s fine. But I’m not down with Facebook putting a spotlight on my page every time I do anything.

  2. I actually am not surprised by this new feature Facebook is trying to test out. I don't think it is them trying to be creepy, but feel like they are trying to add a Twitter feature. Twitter is all about updating a status and people follow it. Since twitter is doing so well, that is probably why Facebook came up with this.

    I know some of my friends use Facebook as a way to connect with far away relatives, so maybe they want status to their phone to keep up instead of having to sign on and look through. I’m not saying I want updates to my phone, but I could see why people may want to.
